Weaving Club REveal
Summer Sungolds
Under Construction
New and Exciting things are coming! Stay tuned.
Tomatoes, tomatoes, tomatoes!
The season in Vermont is short, and every moment is precious. Nothing compares to the glory of sungolds. They come out early, stay late, and so tolerant of unexpected weather. I eat them straight out of the garden, put them on sandwiches, dehydrate, cook, can, and freeze. The different shades of orange, combined with the intense blue of the sky in this project, sing to me of the wonders of summer.
The Colors
The weavings below are made on the same warp as the main project. You can easily change the dimensions of the runners (right photo). To weave rep, you will need to purchase an additional tube of 16/8 cotton.
Rigid-heddle weavers will explore the pattern, color, and movement through the placement of the lace blocks in combination with weft colors.
Four and eight-shaft weavers can explore doubleweave, rep weave, change around the size and placement of their blocks, and what elements are the front or back of their weaving.
Read more about this month’s weaving project or get more project details here.
Past Club Boxes
Check out some of our completed weaving projects