melinda becomes a web designer

Dena Moses , the owner of Vermont Weaving Supplies, and I have been friends since 2012. I was a new member of the League of New Hampshire Craftsmen. A mutual friend suggested I contact her. I called to ask for advice about doing the League’s nine-day craft fair. My initial impression was how much she loved weaving, and over the years we have developed a meaningful friendship. Dena called last December. She was going to be in Keene and asked if I wanted to catch up. Of course I did. Our friendship had grown and we had not connected since covid. Dena explained covid forced her to move her business online. I filled her in on my prior part-time employment woes. Finally she said, "Maybe you should come work for me?”

I have applicable skills for the job, except in one area: computers. Lack of computer knowledge was a deal breaker. After a moment of silence we looked at each other and said, let's try it anyway.

I earned my associate’s degree right out of high school. I returned to get my bachelor’s in my mid 20’s. I remember struggling with statistics and talking to a friend about it. She said, "You need to stop thinking you can’t do math because you are a girl.” Fair point. I ended up getting an A. I was also taking the required computer programming class.  My boyfriend at the time was in school for computer programming and helped me with the programming class. I was easily irritated and remember him telling me if I did not calm down he would not help me. I either calmed down and accepted his help, or he did the work in exchange for the obvious sexual favor. 

Then a miracle happened. My programming teacher came into class after having put in his resignation. He would stay the rest of the semester. He resigned because he caught two students cheating. The students contested and won. So the professor said, “Since cheating at this college is OK, you can leave class, come back at the end of the semester and I will give you whatever grade you want.” With delight I accepted his offer. We each had to tell him why we thought we deserved the A. The first student said she had an A when the offer was presented. We all followed suit. 

Let me give you an example of how limited my computer skills are. Last week I copied a URL link. The computer copied the URL to a clipboard. Where did it go? After years of letting clipboards disappear, I had to ask Dena where it went and what to do. She said do the command for cut/paste. How do you do that? I asked with embarrassment. I told my husband that story this morning. He lovingly called me a dingbat. Dena didn’t say anything. Have I mentioned Dena is very patient?

Since joining Vermont Weaving I have managed to learn how to update inventory on Squarespace. I create simple promotional designs. I am currently learning additional platforms used by Vermont Weaving.  I have told myself to stop thinking I can’t do it because I'm a girl. That boyfriend I previously mentioned is now my husband. He is a software engineer. He made it clear what I will be doing isn’t like what he does.  I take pleasure when he sees a knitting pattern and it makes zero sense to him.


Summer Sungolds


Melinda’s weaving adventure begins