Weaving Supplies Schacht Inserted Eye Heddles Image 1 of Schacht Inserted Eye Heddles $37.00 1 available For 100 heddles. Add To Cart For 100 heddles. For 100 heddles. You Might Also Like... Preorder: Schacht Weaving Bench from $488.00 Schacht 6" Bobbins $35.00 Preorder: Schacht Wolf Trap from $66.00 Schacht Wolf Raddle: Loom Add-on from $146.00 Harrisville Bobbin Winder $110.00 Out of Stock
Weaving Supplies Schacht Inserted Eye Heddles Image 1 of Schacht Inserted Eye Heddles $37.00 1 available For 100 heddles. Add To Cart For 100 heddles. For 100 heddles. You Might Also Like... Preorder: Schacht Weaving Bench from $488.00 Schacht 6" Bobbins $35.00 Preorder: Schacht Wolf Trap from $66.00 Schacht Wolf Raddle: Loom Add-on from $146.00 Harrisville Bobbin Winder $110.00 Out of Stock