Weaving Supplies Schacht Heddle Hook: Short, Wooden Handle Image 1 of Schacht Heddle Hook: Short, Wooden Handle $17.00 4 available Quantity: Add To Cart You Might Also Like... Schacht Pick Up Stick for Cricket Loom from $16.50 Schacht Double End Electric Bobbin Winder $419.00 Out of Stock Preorder: Schacht 18" Stainless Steel Reed for Wolf Pup from $73.00 20" Schacht Rigid Heddle Reed $61.00 Schacht Stick Shuttle from $15.50
Weaving Supplies Schacht Heddle Hook: Short, Wooden Handle Image 1 of Schacht Heddle Hook: Short, Wooden Handle $17.00 4 available Quantity: Add To Cart You Might Also Like... Schacht Pick Up Stick for Cricket Loom from $16.50 Schacht Double End Electric Bobbin Winder $419.00 Out of Stock Preorder: Schacht 18" Stainless Steel Reed for Wolf Pup from $73.00 20" Schacht Rigid Heddle Reed $61.00 Schacht Stick Shuttle from $15.50