Weaving Supplies Schacht Beefy Pick Up Stick Image 1 of Schacht Beefy Pick Up Stick from $21.00 5 available 5 available 4 available size: Select size 20"x1.5"25"x1.5"30"x1.5" 20"x1.5" 25"x1.5" 30"x1.5" Quantity: Add To Cart You Might Also Like... Harrisville Tensioning Device from $120.00 Preorder: Cherry Schact High Castle Tray from $202.00 Schacht Inserted Eye Heddles $37.00 Leclerc 4" Bobbins, set of 12 $14.00 Preorder: Schacht Weaving Bench from $488.00
Weaving Supplies Schacht Beefy Pick Up Stick Image 1 of Schacht Beefy Pick Up Stick from $21.00 5 available 5 available 4 available size: Select size 20"x1.5"25"x1.5"30"x1.5" 20"x1.5" 25"x1.5" 30"x1.5" Quantity: Add To Cart You Might Also Like... Harrisville Tensioning Device from $120.00 Preorder: Cherry Schact High Castle Tray from $202.00 Schacht Inserted Eye Heddles $37.00 Leclerc 4" Bobbins, set of 12 $14.00 Preorder: Schacht Weaving Bench from $488.00