Bag Of Dreams
Doubleweave Bags
In this project, we use doubleweave to create fun and fabulous bags. Doubleweave is a process where the weaver creates two separate layers of cloth, one on top of the other. These layers can be separate so that two pieces of fabric are woven at once (using two shuttles), connected at one selvedge to weave a double wide piece of fabric, or connected at both selvedges to weave a tube.
Because two layers are being woven, the sett is doubled, half for the top, half for the bottom. On a shaft loom, half of the shafts are used for each layer. This means that on four shafts, one is limited to plain weave, and on eight shafts the limitation is a four shaft structure. On a rigid heddle loom, two heddles and pick up sticks are used, or a single heddle with a pick up stick and heddle bars.
You can weave bags and double width fabric on the same warp. Because the sett is doubled, it is easy to add some rep weave to the mix.