Joanna gets excited for new beginnings
Small hands making wonderful fabric
Hi I am Joanna. I would like to officially introduce myself as part of the team here at Vermont Weaving Supplies. I have been here for about three years, helping with a variety of things behind the scenes. Most consistently, I do social media posting, proofreading the weaving patterns for Dena, and getting super excited about all of the fabulous things she creates! This last part is not inconsequential. Everyone needs a cheerleader, especially when they are striving to grow and create new things. It is also one of my favorite things. I truly never tire of being delighted by the beauty and creativity of Dena's weaving, and the projects she has been designing for Vermont Weaving Clubs.
I have decades of experience admiring Dena's handiwork. I used to help Dena with crafts fairs as a teenager. Truthfully, my awkward teenage self was a terrible salesperson. Wince, sorry Dena. But I would happily unpack the car, lug heavy crates around, set up lights, and my absolute favorite, begin unpacking the handwovens. Dena's production weaving was wearable chenille items, which were an absolute delight to the senses. (I have briefly detoured from writing, to get up and get my shawl from the hall closet, so I can more accurately describe it.) Chenille is so soft and luxurious to the touch, it has a gentle comforting weight and warmth when draped around you. The twisted fringes on the ends delight my fingers, and add this extra sense of excitement to every movement of the cloth. Despite having been retwisted so lovingly over time, they are sadly showing their age. Then there are the colors, blended so cleverly with an iridescent quality that sparkles in the light and captivates the eye.
Truly I have been delighted and fascinated by Dena's weaving for decades. It has been such a pleasure to have the opportunity to work with her again at Vermont Weaving Supplies. I joined the team, and the Weaving Club, at project #4. I learned to weave for the first time on a rigid heddle loom, with the unavoidable 'help' of my kids. They are now experts at treating each and every new package of yarn that arrives in the mail as the most exciting thing that has ever happened!!
Proofreading patterns is probably the most exciting, but also the most out of my comfort zone part or my job. Even though I am learning to weave, the four and eight-shaft patterns intimidate me. A few years later, I still get excited about each and every new project, and every last little thing that goes into creating fabulous patterns. Just when I think I've got a handle on it, Dena goes and comes up with something totally new and exciting. Which is just where we are now, working on something totally new and exciting.
Over the past six months or so Dena has been hard at work on a comprehensive new Foundations of Weaving course! A year-long course designed to give all weavers a solid foundation. This course distills Dena's unique approach to integrating the artistry and technical skills of weaving. Additionally tons of time and energy has been spent organizing and consolidating all of the educational content from our Weaving Club Projects into a new online platform!
Perhaps most exciting of all, I have had the opportunity to help out a little with this project. I truly couldn't be more excited about this latest endeavor of Dena's, and I hope you are too. Our brand new Foundations of Weaving Course and the next version of Vermont Weaving Online are almost live!