Meet Our Team

Dena Moses, Head Weaver and Boss

Joanna Roper, Social Media Manager and HelpFUl HANd

Joanna has been admiring Dena's handwovens for a more than two decades since first helping Dena at crafts fairs as a teenager.

Joanna works on VWS’s social media, where she gets to showcase the amazing projects the Weaving Club members are making. Joanna also helps out with an assortment of other tasks, including sending emails to the Learn Club members and '“oohing” and “ahhing” over the Weaving Club projects as Dena is working on them.

Joanna is also a Club Member in the Learn Club and is learning to weave on a rigid heddle loom with the “help” of her toddlers. 

With all the frustrations and tangles and impatience of learning a new art form, Joanna has found that the time spent at the loom has been a comforting salve through the ongoing trials of the pandemic. 

Lee Wilder, WEb designer

Lee Wilder, of Wildair Design, helped Dena build and launch Vermont Weaving Supplies in the fall of 2020 and continues to help with all things web-related.

Lee holds a masters in library and information science from Pratt Institute, worked at Oxford University Press as an online reference editor and data controller, and went on to work for in digital production and project management before starting his own business.

Lee lives up the road apiece from Dena with a giant dog and a tiny kid.