Vermont Weaving Supplies

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Mud, Mud, Mud…

It’s spring in Vermont, which sounds more glorious than it really is.

Don’t get me wrong, there are so many things that I love about spring…the sap is flowing, the snow is melting. In all likelihood, somewhere out there in my yard there are flowers starting to pop up. And there is mud. So much mud.

It is the time of year for milestones. Eighteen years since I found out I was pregnant with my son, Avi. The season stands out strongly for me because the signs of new life outside of me mirrored the signs of new life inside of me. Three years ago in March the ending of my marriage and the beginning of who I am still evolving into. Two years ago the beginning of the pandemic. My father moving in with me to die. Hard, hard times, but also a time that changed me forever and one that I will always be grateful for.

One year ago I started the Weaving Clubs. What a year it has been! I love weaving. I love teaching weaving. I love working with weavers…offering quicker and easier solutions, troubleshooting problems, planting seeds of inspiration and information for the future. I love watching weavers grow and bloom. Watching them find their own voice and vision through their cloth. The part that I never could have imagined was how quickly you have all joined me and how much openness you have had in accepting and cherishing the gift that I have to give.

I am grateful for your patience as I am figuring out more graceful systems to hold what we have created and to make it easier to use. I am grateful for all of the energy, gratitude, and caring that you have shown to me this past year. More than anything, I am grateful that you keep showing up to collaborate with me. These are the seeds for what will continue to emerge. I have plans to continue to expand and deepen my offerings. Magic is afoot!

This month’s project is a celebration of Spring. A celebration of the colors that I trust will be appearing. Any day now. Really. A hope and promise that the world will continue to open up, that Covid will be a smaller and smaller part of our day-to-day lives. That we will be able to invite our friends and loved ones to sit down to a meal with us without worry. And that when they do, the table will be set with wonderful food and beautiful handwoven napkins.

Happy Spring! Whenever and however it comes to us.